The dates are set for the workshop in Rome.
During the week we will make a journal that can hold our notes, sketches,photos and papersamples. In the afternons we will make interseting visits in various places such as a library with a very precious collection of old decorated papers and of course also look for the shops that sells replica for our own little collection. I will also bring you to my favorite bag maker Fredrico who makes custom-made leather bags and to my favorite restaurant that is unknown to most tourists but famous among the cardinals.

For a few days Helena Wangefelt Ström, a good friend of mine who knows Rome really well, will be our companion. Helena has participated in the cataloging of Queen Kristina’s collection in the Vatican library as well as doing research in several old Roman libraries.

Instructor: Monica Langwe
Place: Rome
Time: 16 – 20 September 2019
Cost: Eur 564
10 places

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